If you have issues with your Pietra Print on Demand order, such as stitching or embroidery issues, color discrepancies, or other quality concerns, please contact us at creators@pietrastudio.com.
In your email outreach, please provide the following information:
Relevant order number(s)
Detailed descriptions of the issues, including a detailed description of the ways the item differs from your design
Photos of the items you received, including photos of item details that have any issues
Images or screenshots of your designs
After we receive your email, our support team will review your request with our printing team and determine if we're able to provide a replacements or a return. Please be aware that any reprints or refunds for production issues are reviewed and determined on a case-by-case basis. Pietra will provide a decision regarding any production issue within 7 business days.
Any claims for misprinted, damaged, or defective items must be submitted within 30 days after your items have been received. It is always best to include photos with your initial problem report to avoid delays.